Virtual reality

Virtual reality offers unique opportunities to capture the attention of your target group and engage them on an emotional level. Whether interactive experiences, education & training, e-commerce, architecture, events or marketing and advertising: the possibilities are numerous.

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH
Daily routine
Online marketing
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Our agency has the energy of progress and the passion for excellence. We are looking for talented people who have the courage to achieve great things. With us, you will shape your professional future, learn from the best and become part of a dynamic success story. 

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We offer first-class consulting services to take your business to the next level. We deliver tailor-made solutions in the areas of strategy, digitalization, development, marketing and design. We understand your individual needs and develop precise plans together to achieve your goals.

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Ready to get started? Contact us now and let's achieve great things together! 🚀

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The boss is already sitting at her desk...and it's not just because her fast runabout gets her to the office so quickly.

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8:00 - 9:30

It's like being at the Stachus (for all non-Munich residents...there's a lot going on) - Team close2 is gradually arriving at the office.

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Online marketing and sales are at their best, while developers and designers are living up to the cliché and slowly warming up with coffee.

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9:00 - 18:00

Customer support is on duty during regular office hours, and always in a good mood, whether in the morning or in the afternoon, with or without coffee.

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We believe in the lunch break. You can find us either cooking and eating in the office, walking along the Isar river or highly concentrated at the conference table...playing UNO.…

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The tide is slowly turning: online marketing and sales are slowing down, while developers and designers are flourishing. At this time of day, however, chocolate seems to play an essential role for early risers, night owls and everyone else.

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While everyone else has long since gone home, the boss likes to tinker at night. There is only conjecture about the use of coffee and chocolate.

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Our agency is the hotspot for creative design! With a pinch of innovation, a dash of passion and a good dose of style, we bring your visions to life. Our talented designers conjure up stunning graphics, modern web design and unforgettable brand identities. We're all about visual magic that enchants your target audience. Let's take your design game to the next level together!

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You have a vision, we have the code! As your development partner, we are ready to turn your digital dreams into reality. In our agency, creativity and technology are best friends. We bring your project to life and dynamism and are at your side with our concentrated know-how. Stop being average - let's create great digital solutions together!

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH
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Online marketing

We are your partner for groundbreaking online marketing! With us, you will conquer the search engines with SEO and SEA and rock the social media. Our strategies ensure that your brand is in the spotlight and magnetically attracts customers. Forget invisibility on the net - with us you will achieve top positions and maximize your success.

Virtual reality for companies

New opportunities for success

As a VR agency, we offer customized consulting and take care of the entire production of your virtual reality and 360° applications - from brainstorming to successful implementation.

With VR, your customers can immerse themselves in fascinating virtual worlds that stimulate their senses and encourage them to engage with your product or company voluntarily.

The key advantage of VR lies in its interactivity. Unlike conventional advertising, users can control their own actions in the virtual environment. This interaction is the opposite of passive advertising and explains why the video game industry is booming. Companies such as Facebook have long recognized the potential of VR and are investing heavily in this technology.

Our offer as a VR agency

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH

We have experience in designing and developing a wide range of VR applications, including training and education modules, marketing tools, memorable experiences and mixed reality applications.

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH
Industry expertise

Our industry expertise spans various sectors, including automotive, medical, industrial, mechanical engineering, retail, travel, entertainment, e-commerce and many more.

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH
Areas of application

Our solutions are used in a wide range of applications, including customer-facing, trade fairs and events, showrooms, point-of-sale (POS) locations, showrooms and training for professionals and sales staff. We offer customized solutions that meet the needs of different business areas.

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH

What is virtual reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a fascinating technology that allows you to immerse yourself in a completely virtual world. In VR, you are immersed in a computer-generated environment that is often experienced with the help of special VR glasses and other sensors. This technology creates an immersive experience where you feel like you are physically in a different place, even though you are actually in a real place. You can interact, explore and experience things in VR as if you were really there. VR is used in various fields such as entertainment, education, medicine and even design, and offers endless possibilities for exciting applications.

VR is used in a variety of fields, from entertainment and gaming to education and medical simulations, opening up exciting new possibilities for interactive experiences and offering endless potential for innovative applications.

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Differences between AR, MR and VR

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality is a technology in which digital information, such as images, graphics or text, is integrated into a user's real world in real time. This is often done via smartphones or AR glasses. Users can see the real world while additional digital content is displayed in it. AR is used in various applications such as navigation, gaming and education to add or augment information.

Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed reality is an extended form of augmented reality in which virtual objects are integrated into the user's real environment and can interact with it at the same time. MR devices such as the Microsoft HoloLens allow users to place virtual objects in the real world and interact with them, enabling a seamless merging of reality and virtuality. MR is used in various fields such as design, training and industrial maintenance.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is a technology that immerses users in a completely virtual environment. VR goggles and sensors allow users to completely block out the real world and move around in a computer-generated world. VR is used in applications such as gaming, simulations, training and virtual travel to create immersive experiences.

The advantages of virtual reality in the business environment

The integration of virtual reality (VR) into the business environment offers numerous advantages that help companies to work more efficiently and develop innovative solutions. Here are some of the most important advantages of VR in the business environment:


Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH
Competitive advantage: 

Companies that implement VR technology in their business processes at an early stage can gain a competitive advantage by offering innovative solutions and working more efficiently.

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH
Customer experience and loyalty

VR can help to create unique and impressive customer experiences, which increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH
Better decision-making

VR enables managers to experience complex scenarios and data visually, which can improve the quality of decision-making.

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Areas of application for virtual reality

Realistic training
and simulations with VR

VR enables companies to offer realistic training and simulations. Employees can practice complex tasks and scenarios in a safe and controlled environment without using real resources. For example, emergency situations can be trained virtually and safely, without risks or high costs. VR training is available in different languages, can be used anywhere and leads to sustainable learning success.

Employer branding, recruiting
and onboarding

VR can also be used to train employees, especially when complex machines need to be operated. VR training is inexpensive, effective and fun.
Virtual meetings and collaboration: VR enables teams to meet and collaborate virtually, regardless of their geographical location. This facilitates communication and the exchange of ideas and speeds up decision-making processes.

Marketing and communication

VR offers exciting opportunities for marketing and communication. VR turns your brand into an adventure that can be experienced, arouses emotions and leaves lasting impressions. You can visit conference rooms, test decorations and much more. With suitable 360° clips for social media and the web, you can attract even more attention.

Trade fairs and events

VR makes it possible to present products or services in an impressive way, even if they are too large to bring them physically. Virtual representations in 3D or 360° allow customers to experience products in their original size or realistically. In addition, hidden details can be made visible, which is particularly advantageous at trade fairs.

Virtual tours

 In real estate, VR allows potential buyers and renters to virtually tour properties, even if they have not yet been built. Tourists can take virtual tours of destinations and accommodations before they travel, allowing potential guests to explore the spaces and get a realistic taste of the surroundings, attractions and accommodations before they book, increasing customer satisfaction.

Social media

Social media such as Facebook are developing VR applications that can already be used by companies today. VR content on social media can significantly increase the attention of your target group.

Is VR also possible without hardware/glasses?

VR (virtual reality) is based on the idea of creating an immersive virtual environment in which the user can immerse themselves. The use of VR glasses or a headset is the most common way to achieve this immersion, as they restrict the user's field of vision to the virtual world and create the illusion of being present in this world.

Without VR goggles or a headset, it is difficult to experience the full VR experience, as an ordinary screen is unable to provide the immersive effects created by being immersed in a virtual world. A conventional screen limits the user's field of vision to the physical display and does not allow for 360-degree viewing angles or spatial depth typical of VR.

However, there are some applications and VR experiences that can be enjoyed on a conventional screen without VR glasses. These are often referred to as „360-degree videosIn such videos, the user can control the viewing angle within the video on the screen and look around as if they were inside the video. This enables a limited form of VR experience without VR glasses.

However, it should be noted that the immersive quality and potential of VR is best achieved with VR goggles or a headset, as these are specifically designed to create an immersive environment.

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Virtual Reality Agency Munich // close2 new media GmbH

360° videos

360-degree video and virtual reality (VR) are closely linked and often complement each other to create immersive and interactive experiences. Overall, the combination of 360-degree video and VR greatly expands the possibilities for immersive experiences, allowing users to move freely in virtual environments and experience 360-degree content in an interactive context, creating an impressive level of realism and engagement.

360° videos in VR

With a VR headset, users can watch 360-degree videos in an immersive environment. By wearing the headset, they are immersed in the video and can look around as if they were actually at the recording location. This provides a more immersive and realistic experience than watching on a traditional screen.

VR experiences

In some VR applications, 360-degree videos can be integrated as part of a larger VR experience. Users can move within a virtual environment and encounter 360-degree videos embedded in the scene. This can be used for travel, education and cultural experiences.

Extended interaction

VR enables extended interaction with 360-degree videos. Users can not only change their view, but also manipulate virtual objects in the environment or display additional information by clicking or tapping on certain areas of the video or the environment.

360° live streaming

VR headsets allow users to stream and watch live 360-degree video, giving them the opportunity to experience live events or concerts in real time and look around freely as if they were there.

360° videos in
VR applications

VR applications and games can integrate 360-degree video into the storyline to provide players with unique experiences, which can include exploring real-world locations or immersing themselves in virtual worlds.


Which VR/AR glasses are the best?
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How do VR glasses work?
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Is virtual reality the future?
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Immerse yourself in virtual reality with us!

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Your contact

Nadine Budde
Managing Director
Sales, Marketing & Design
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