Corporate Design

It is one of the most challenging tasks, whether for individuals, medium-sized companies or large corporations: developing their identity, their appearance, with which they make themselves unmistakable. Just as your service or product should stand out, the brand must also be distinctive and guarantee permanent recognition across all channels. Corporate design provides the answers to all corporate design questions, it creates the basis for all word and graphic symbols and it defines corporate communication. A uniform appearance that is both unique and reflects the identity of the company makes a significant contribution to success.

Corporate design: logo, branding, product marketing

Corporate design: More than just a question of taste

The meaning of corporate design is much more profound than one might think of a lettering or a symbol. The visual appearance, i.e. the word and image symbols (and often also - supplementary - melodies) can reach (potential) customers and the target group on a psychological level that has far-reaching effects: the conscious or unconscious internalization of logos and Co. plays a role an important role in which form a brand or even the entire company is perceived and how the advertising affects customers .

Both in print and digitally, a well-known, uniform and ultimately positive corporate design leads to trust and to following a call to action. The group reached not only feels visually addressed and appreciates the service and/or product, but also identifies with the brand process, with the values ​​and the philosophy of the company. Internally, among the employees, a successful corporate identity leads to pride and a sense of community, which in turn increases motivation and thus performance and a sense of achievement. Among other things, this also shapes the corporate culture, which in turn is perceived by the customers and can also have a positive influence on the relationship to the company.

Corporate design: logo, branding, product marketing

Graphic strong brands

Corporate design: logo, branding, product marketing

A good strategy

Without a strategy, all steps to develop corporate design as part of the corporate identity mean standstill. Or even worse: idling. Also in terms of costs. The goal of a company should be to create the foundation of the brand strategy at the beginning in such a well thought-out and forward-looking manner with the help of a corporate design agency that it can be used in the long term for all (new) areas and requirements or categories without any problems and with the same recognition value.

Of course there is the possibility of rebranding, often in connection with a website relaunch, but even then your company must already be established. In order to determine the individual points of your brand strategy, we have to understand and analyze your goals and how you want to position yourself in the market:

  • In the preliminary talk we get to know you , your organization and your goals - and we give you an insight into our approach
  • It is not only sufficient that we develop a good strategy for you, we also take a close look at your competitors and consider the market needs with an optional competitor analysis
  • Which customers do you already have, which customers would you like to address and which customers do you perhaps not even know are relevant to you? Our target group analysis provides information

Your brand, your identity: logo & corporate design

Your logo is the core of your corporate identity. With our logo design and corporate design packages, we bring your vision to life. Our creative team not only designs a distinctive logo, but also develops a holistic corporate design that runs through your entire company like a common thread.

Identity finding
in seven steps

All elements that give your company its individual recognition value are based on a word, picture or word-picture mark: your logo! And that's worth a lot. In many ways - as a professional corporate design agency, we know about the many considerations that go into the development of your corporate identity.

Your logo needs to do so much more than just look good – it needs to be remembered, embody your values, tell a story and draw attention without being off-putting. Even the choice of a color or font can have a significant impact on the success of the logo. Sometimes it's just the subtleties that make the difference. With years of experience, we support you step by step in making the right decisions for a unique, well thought-out appearance:

Logo development

We work together with you to convey your brand message with lettering and/or signet Determination of corporate fonts: Whether business card or invoice, website or newsletter - your font comes from a single source. Typography can be customized for you.

Definition of corporate colors

The psychological effect of colors is enormous. We make sure you hit the right note.

Development of imagery and imagery

We create mood boards that give all your means of communication consistency and recognition value.

Clarification of key graphic shapes and key visuals

No matter how good your product or service is, the eye also buys.

Print documents

It doesn't matter how high the proportion of classic print products is in relation to digital communication - the visual design, for example of business stationery, must form a unit with the other material.

Style guide

We will create your own style guide for you. A written guideline for your corporate design - in-house and also for the cooperation with cooperation partners

Corporate design: logo, branding, product marketing

Logo development: Success is in the details

The customer is king - and keeps a (critical) eye on your brand

Experience shows that the effect of subtle information can definitely keep up with that of bold statements. Whether consciously or unconsciously, even less loud impressions are processed, localized and assigned properties. Characteristics that in turn influence actions and behavior. Even without brand names or slogans, memorable logos – or even just their outlines – are recognized.

Companies that are just beginning to increase their visual brand awareness can take advantage of how the brain works and activate associations with (potential) customers through their logo. This is how the user saves a connection at first glance:

  • to the industry
  • to the type of service or product
  • to the company DNA or to the product
  • to the target group addressed
  • to professionalism, which in the next step he assigns to the characteristics of quality and trust

For example, the first sensory impression due to an unprofessionally created logo immediately gives a warning signal to a product of good quality, a tried and tested service or an established company. The brain classifies the logo as uninteresting or filters it out as unappealing. The danger: the first impression can be persistent and resentful.

A temporary logo?
Remains for eternity

Is there a second chance for a first impression? Certainly, but that involves a lot of effort, time and money. Anyone who works with advertising material, whether online or offline, and does marketing needs a corporate design that demonstrates stringency and continuity right from the start. Changing a branding that has been expensively developed afterwards makes little sense, not only for financial reasons, but also in relation to the recognition value that has been built up.

Logo and corporate design research should be done in advance, not after the look and feel has already been shared with the world. After all, withdrawing the logo from the digital world is next to impossible. And the financial damage that arises from disposing of brochures, flyers, etc. that have already been printed and reprinting them is also disproportionate.

The principles of logo design

The team of our Munich marketing agency is characterized, also in other areas such as the creation of websites and apps as well as social media marketing, by the fact that our employees look beyond their own specifications and work together with other experts in the agency in every phase of development to achieve the best possible result for you and your company. When we create the logo for your corporate design, we put ourselves in your position, take the perspective of the customer and consider the interaction and effectiveness with media from the digital and print sectors.

When developing a logo by close2, high five is only announced when all five basic rules that have an impact on the brand's success have actually been observed:

The statement
the expressiveness of your logo

Your logo should convey the core message of your company, product or service. There is no guesswork at this point.

The character
the uniqueness of your logo

The recognition value of your logo and the individual character that distinguishes it from the competition is extremely important. Your logo should remain in (positive) memory!

The simplicity
the understandability of your logo

It doesn't matter whether your logo is displayed on a small or large screen or in print, it must work for all communication channels and applications - quickly and clearly!

The zeitgeist
the topicality of your logo

As in all other areas, design follows certain trends. When it comes to the logo, however, it should be rather timeless and its recognition value should be able to be used for a long time. Even if companies change their logos, the redesign is mostly just nuances that are implemented after extensive market research. A complete fracture is rarely risked.

The aesthetics
the acceptance of your logo

Almost all of us are visual people who find a harmony of fonts, color and graphic elements pleasant. When developing the logo, the preferences of the target group must be taken into account (e.g. different choice of color or typography when addressing female customers). Anyone who consciously pursues a disruptive strategy should have good reasons for doing so.

Your brand is worth protecting

In no case do you want to be perceived as a copycat or unimaginative in the industry. Your logo, regardless of whether it is a word, picture or word-picture mark, should conquer the market in an innovative and memorable way.

Here you will find a few examples of companies for which we have created the corporate design and thus successfully shaped their corporate identity.

Corporate design: logo, branding, product marketing

Nothing is more individual than the aesthetic feeling.

Konrad Fiedler

Give the kid a name

The naming of the company or product etc. is an extremely important decision which, even if difficult to measure, has a lasting influence on the company's success. Just like the appearance, the name must have a high recognition value and should be directly associated with a number of properties or (positively) charged images – and yes, ideally also with the corresponding logo.

We are happy to support you in finding a name, in founding a new company or in the context of the development of services or products. We create a connection between name and logo and show you, black and white, in color, on print products and digitally, how the designation works in the context of different marketing tools. How important is this part? Very!

You can do a little self-test and consider whether you would choose a company – rationally justifiable or just guided by your feelings – if you didn’t know either of them and the name alone is the selection criterion: Facebook vs. Diaspora? Whatsapp vs Threema? Google vs Yahoo!?

You are in the premier naming class if the name of your company is used to represent similar items from different companies - best examples: Uhu, Tesa, Tempo.

Let's create new worlds together!

Corporate design: logo, branding, product marketing

Your contact

Mohsen Yousefi
UI/UX design, animation
Corporate design: logo, branding, product marketingCorporate design: logo, branding, product marketingCorporate design: logo, branding, product marketingCorporate design: logo, branding, product marketingCorporate design: logo, branding, product marketing