SEO OnPage Analysis Packages

We review the technical, structural, and content aspects of your website to ensure it's best positioned for your digital success. In an era where a company's online presence is critical, it's imperative to ensure your website not only looks good, but also meets the technical and content requirements of search engines. Join us to explore the world of OnPage analysis and increase your digital reach.

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SEO OnPage Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH Buy now

OnPage Analysis Basic

Show details of the package SEO OnPage Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH


  • Analysis and recommendations:
    • Loading speed
    • URL and website structure
    • Internal linking
    • 3xx and 4xx response codes
  • Analysis and optimization proposals of up to 3 pages:
    • Keyword analysis and keyword mapping
    • Heading Tags (h1-h6)
    • Text structure (paragraphs, H-headings, bolding)
    • ALT attributes
    • Meta titles and descriptions

You get 

  • Results and recommendations as PDF
  • Final interview
2.200,- €
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SEO OnPage Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH Book appointment now

OnPage Analysis Advanced

Analysis & Base Optimization
Show details of the package SEO OnPage Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH


  • Analysis and recommendations:
    • Loading speed
    • URL and website structure
    • Internal linking
    • 3xx and 4xx response codes
    • Semantic analysis and content recommendations of the 5 most important pages
  • Analysis and basic optimization of up to 5 pages:
    • Keyword analysis and keyword mapping
    • Heading Tags (h1-h6)
    • Text structure (paragraphs, H-headings, bolding)
    • ALT attributes
    • Meta titles and descriptions

You get 

  • Kick-Off Talk
  • Results and recommendations as PDF
  • 5 Basic Optimized Pages
  • Final interview
from 3.850,- €
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SEO OnPage Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH Book appointment now

OnPage Analysis Pro

Analysis & Optimization
Show details of the package SEO OnPage Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH


  • Analysis and Optimization:
    • Loading speed
    • URL and website structure
    • Internal linking
    • 3xx and 4xx response codes
    • Keyword analysis and keyword mapping
    • Heading Tags (h1-h6)
    • Text structure (paragraphs, H-headings, bolding)
    • ALT attributes
    • Meta titles and descriptions
  • Semantic analysis and content recommendations

You get 

  • Kick-Off Talk
  • Monthly reporting (+dashboard)
  • Final interview
on request
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What is OnPage SEO?

OnPage SEO is the part of search engine optimization that deals with the aspects of your website that you can directly control. This involves technical, structural and content optimizations that ensure your website meets the requirements of search engines like Google and performs at its best.


Technical SEO:

Here we optimize things like load times, mobile first (prioritization for mobile devices) and SSL encryption. These measures ensure that Google can crawl your site without any problems.

Structural SEO:

We analyze the page structure, check HTML headings, metadata and error pages, and ensure SEO-friendly URLs that are short and informative.

Content SEO:

Your website lives on text, images, videos and graphics. This content influences your ranking positively. We fight duplicate content and turn it into unique content. We also optimize alt tags, the H-structure, internal links and keywords.

Our process

The process of an onpage analysis is crucial to evaluate and optimize the technical, structural and content aspects of a website.


Access and tools: We make sure we have access to the website and the necessary tools for analysis. Well-known SEO tools include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, SEMrush and many more.

Technical analysis

Loading speed: We analyze the loading speed of your website, focusing on the so-called "Core Web Vitals", which are considered by Google as important factors for the user experience.

URL structure: We check the URL structure of your website for logic and usability, making sure that important pages are easily accessible and that there are no unnecessarily deep click paths.

Website structure: Website structure analysis involves reviewing the hierarchy of your pages to ensure that important content is well structured and a clear navigation structure is in place.

Content analysis

Internal links: We review internal links to ensure they are logical and make sense, aiming to build a clear topic structure and avoid orphan pages.

3xx and 4xx response codes: We check your website for redirects (3xx) and error pages (4xx) and make sure they are implemented correctly so as not to cause a bad user experience.

Keyword Mapping: A detailed keyword analysis is crucial, we check if the keywords are effectively placed on the pages and if there are gaps or overlaps.

Analysis of the page structure and elements

Heading Tags: We review the use of heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to ensure that they properly reflect the page structure and contain relevant keywords.

Text structure: Text structure analysis includes reviewing text layout, readability, and use of paragraphs and lists to ensure content is engaging and easily digestible.

Alt attributes: We check if alt attributes are present for images and if they provide relevant information for users with limitations or for search engines.

Meta titles and descriptions: We analyze the meta titles and descriptions of your pages to make sure they are engaging, contain relevant keywords, and maximize the click-through rate in search results.

Reporting and recommendations

Reporting: We prepare a detailed report on the results of our OnPage analysis, which includes all identified problems and potentials.

Prioritization: We prioritize actions based on their importance and complexity so you know where to start first.

Implementation and monitoring

Implementation: Once the analysis is complete, we can take over the implementation of the identified measures to drive the optimization of your website.


Monitoring: Monitoring of your website should be continuous, and we recommend performing OnPage analysis on a regular basis to ensure that your website stays up to date and responsive to changes in the search algorithm.

Why is OnPage SEO important?

OnPage SEO is the cornerstone of a successful online presence. With these measures you will achieve the following:

Higher visibility

Your site will rank better in search engine results, which means more visitors.

Improved user experience

Well-optimized pages are more user-friendly, which leads to visitors staying longer on your site and visiting more pages.

Competitive advantage

In today's online landscape, it's crucial to stand out from the competition, and OnPage SEO puts you one step ahead.

Higher conversion rates

Well-optimized pages often lead to higher conversion rates because the user experience is improved.

Impact on the user experience

A positive user experience is critical to the success of your website, and OnPage analytics can play a big role in this.:

Fast loading times: Optimizing load times significantly improves the user experience. Users expect fast, smooth interaction with a website, and search engines take this into account when evaluating them.

Mobile-friendliness: With more and more users accessing the internet on the go, a mobile friendly website is essential. OnPage analysis ensures that your site looks and works well on a variety of devices.

Content quality: Analyzing and optimizing your content ensures that users find relevant, informative, and engaging information, which helps them stay on your site longer and remember their experience positively.