Google and Rich Results for Events

Event dates are no longer displayed by Google in search results in the form of rich results, instead only boxes and featured snippets are played out. We want to briefly discuss this in this blog post.

  • Google and Rich Results for Events
  • Google and Rich Results for Events
  • Google and Rich Results for Events
  • Google and Rich Results for Events
  • Google and Rich Results for Events
Google and Rich Results for Events
© OpenAI DALL E 2

Event Rich Results to Featured Snippeds

It seems that a significant change has taken place on Google's search results pages without much fanfare: the expanded search results for events, also known as Event Rich Results, are no longer visible. Now, event events are displayed on Google search results pages exclusively as Featured Snippets or via Google Events Search. A major disadvantage of Featured Snippets is that only the top-ranked pages benefit from them. Unlike the well-documented elimination of Rich Results for FAQs and HowTos, which has been officially confirmed by Google, the loss of Event Rich Results has so far hardly attracted attention. Of course, there is a possibility that this is just a temporary bug, but it is clear that there is currently no way to generate Event Rich Results. If this is a targeted change on Google's part, it would affect yet another search feature


With the disappearance of Event Rich Results, many websites that provide information about events lose visibility. Now the only option left is to highlight events via highlighted snippets (featured snippets) or Google Events Search. A structured data format is not required for a featured snippet, as Google can identify events even without this markup information.

Google and Rich Results for Events Google and Rich Results for Events