SEO Competitor Analysis Packages

We take a close look at your competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses to determine what they do differently or even better to rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Based on this analysis, you can derive measures for a comprehensive online marketing strategy to improve and strengthen your rankings in the long term. 

SEO Competitor Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH Buy now

SEO Competition Analysis Basic

1 Competitor
Show details of the package SEO Competitor Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH


  • Analysis of 1 competitor
  • OnPage Check:
    • Website visibility
    • Keyword distribution
    • Traffic
    • PageSpeed Insights
    • Crawl Report
  • OffPage Check:
    • Backlink profile
    • Domain Authority

You get 

  • Results as PDF
880,- €
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SEO Competitor Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH Book appointment now

SEO Competition Analysis Advanced

3 Competitors
Show details of the package SEO Competitor Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH


  • Analysis of 3 competitors
  • OnPage Check
    • Website visibility
    • Keyword distribution
    • Traffic
    • PageSpeed Insights
    • Crawl Report
  • OffPage Check:
    • Backlink profile
    • Domain Authority
  • OnPage and OffPage recommendations

You get 

  • Results as PDF
  • Final interview
from 1.760,- €
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SEO Competitor Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH Book appointment now

SEO Competition Analysis Pro

5 Competitors
Show details of the package SEO Competitor Analysis Packages // close2 new media GmbH


  • Analysis of 5 competitors
  • OnPage Check:
    • Website visibility
    • Keyword distribution
    • Traffic
    • PageSpeed Insights
    • Crawl Report
  • OffPage Check:
    • Backlink profile
    • Domain Authority
  • OnPage and OffPage recommendations
  • Keyword potential analysis
  • Semantic analysis of the most important 3 landing pages

You get 

  • Results as PDF
  • Final interview
from 3.300,- €
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What does a typical SEO competitor analysis include?

A thorough competitor analysis usually includes the following steps:

1. identification of competitors:

First, we identify your main competitors in the search results.

2. keyword analysis:

We analyze for which keywords your competitors rank well and which keywords are especially important in your industry.

3. backlink analysis:

We examine the backlink profiles of your competitors to identify high quality backlink opportunities.

4. content analysis:

We analyze the content on your competitors' websites to find out what kind of content works well.

5. on-page analysis:

We review the on-page elements of your competitors' websites to find out what best practices they are using.

6. performance analysis:

We evaluate the performance of your competitors in the search results.

Why is SEO competitor analysis important?

Here are some good reasons why a competitor analysis is invaluable to your business:

1. strategic insights:

You'll gain insight into the strategies your competitors use to succeed in search engines, which means you can learn from their successes and avoid their mistakes.

2. identification of opportunities:

A competitor analysis will help you identify lucrative niches and keywords that may have been overlooked by your competitors.

3. more effective use of resources:

You can better target your resources by understanding which SEO strategies work best in your industry.

4. better visibility:

By understanding your competitors' strengths, you can optimize your own website to perform better in search engines and gain more visibility.

5. adaptability:

The online world is constantly changing, and with a competitor analysis you can stay up to date with new trends and changes in your industry.