NET WebApp

Consulting // conception // screen design // web development // training of a trade fair web application
NET WebApp | close2 customer project

Short profile of NET GmbH

NET GmbH has been a medium-sized manufacturer of individual camera solutions for applications in industry and medical technology since 1996. With its innovative smart vision solutions, the modern company contributes to the success of its customers in industry and medicine worldwide. The head office is west of Munich. The company bases its expertise on a thorough understanding of the technologies and how they can be used in practice by customers. NET is part of the TKH Group.

NET WebApp | close2 customer project
NET WebApp | close2 customer project
NET WebApp | close2 customer project

Flexibility & Design

As part of the customer's trade fair activities, an application based on web technology was conceived, designed and implemented. The WebApp was enriched with visual elements such as a background video and slightly animated visual elements. The WebApp can also be used in multiple languages. The local application is easy to maintain using HTML modules, for this we carried out a small training session, can be dynamically expanded and, in addition to an individual navigation menu, can also display texts, images, image galleries and videos within the modules.

NET WebApp | close2 customer project
NET WebApp | close2 customer project
NET WebApp | close2 customer project

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NET WebApp | close2 customer project NET WebApp | close2 customer project