WordPress vs. Typo3 – a comparison

Which content management system (CMS) is the right one for my company or project? Two content management systems are at Functionality and technology on Eye level, the question is however: Which one is the right one? for my project? WordPress vs Typo3, the battle of the titans!

  • WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
  • WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
  • WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
  • WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
  • WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
© OpenAI DALL E 2

Content management system?

„If we had thrown five euros in the coffee register every time we were asked what a CMS (content management system) is, the whole team could have taken a week's vacation to Hawaii.“

No, joking aside, a content management system is simply nothing more than a management system for websites, in which Content and layout strictly Cut becomes. So it can Text elements changed or added independently of the design will. All of this is mostly about in a CMS two areas controlled, that Front end and the back end. In the Backend be able all content is edited and managed, mainly with the help of an editor. in the Front end will the content, which can be adapted (edited) in the backend, ultimately displayed.

Just a CMS is essential for a lot of content, hence the amount of content also from Self-managed by laypeople without constantly having to resort to web developers and designers.

WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
© OpenAI DALL E 2

Why are the CMS systems Typo3 and WordPress so relevant?

Over the past 15 years, some CMS systems on PHP (programming language) Established on the market, such as Joomla, Drupal, Contao, Typo3, WordPress, etc. In the last 5 years WordPress as the top dog prevailed over the other systems and is therefore the most used CMS worldwide. Typo3 on the other hand does not have nearly as extensive a user base as WordPress, but are currently very large, extensive and well-known web projects on the Typo3 CMS built up.

Typo3 under the magnifying glass

Thanks one active Typo3 community and about 500 thousand users, that is freely available Content management system Typo3 Representing enterprise websites. Just like WordPress, the core (core) of the system is based on PHP.

WordPress under the magnifying glass

WordPress is and remains the absolute high-flyer among the CMS. The popularity is no accident, because originally was WordPress as Blog system planned. Yet quickly was able to do the very good and professionally programmed WordPress CMS Quantum leaps among other things because of the good conversion ability, but especially because of the very good plugins and the enormous SEO proximity. Nowadays can WordPress as good as anything, whether complex websites, blogs, web shops, etc. WordPress is the Leonardo da Vinci among content management systems.

Which CMS for what?

Flat-rate it's hard to say without to specifically illuminate a web project and the To know requirements. But to be more specific: Due to its blog origins, WordPress is definitely created for managing a lot of content. Of the The disadvantage it has compared to Typo3, however, is the filter and sorting options for the posts “out of the box”.. But here, too, there are now effective and well-programmed plugins that offer almost the same scope as Typo3, but not "out of the box". Typo3, on the other hand, has to change because of its partly old-fashioned complexity and also the higher system requirements behind WordPress.

WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison
© OpenAI DALL E 2

Both CMS in comparison

Comparison WordPress Typo3
Installation x  
Responsiveness x  
SEO x  
Plugins x  
Timeliness x  
User friendliness x  
Maintenance & Updates x  
User administration & role management   x
Natively supported multilingualism   x
x x
x x
ERP API (Enterprise resource planning interface)


Whether Typo3 or WordPress is best suited for a project, you can really only look for one comprehensive analysis of the project requirements or the website conclude. In our experience, you can now implement almost all CMS-suitable web projects with WordPress, since also for the supposed disadvantages meanwhile very sophisticated solutions ready. Nevertheless, an expert should always be consulted so that nothing is overlooked.  The experts in our team are available to answer any questions, no matter what kind, regarding a CMS selection available at any time.

WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison WordPress vs Typo3 - a comparison