Video killed the radio star - YouTube marketing
„In the beginning there was radio“ – when it comes to marketing, that was it Radio at least as first shared media instrument exists. Radio is still heard today, but by far not to the extent that was once popular. That came after the radio TV and thus also YouTube. In the beginning, few were aware of the marketing potential of YouTube. Nowadays YouTube is indispensable and good marketing fully exploits the potential of YouTube. That is why we want you to know that in this blog post YouTube marketing and its great implications explain.

What is YouTube Marketing?
YouTube marketing promotes companies and products on the YouTube platform, by content well thought out videos such as YouTube Ads on theirs YouTube channel created and published will. That Target from YouTube marketing is equal to content marketing, can, however, thanks to the Visual power and the type of "easier" consumption often reach the target group better.

Why is YouTube Marketing Important?
Companies that Neglect YouTube Marketing, can easily from the Competition to be outdone. Visual product representations, paired with information-rich videos, are now consumed more frequently than written explanations. People can usually evaluate visually captured information better and apply it to yourself, therein lies the great potential of good YouTube marketing. YouTube is currently in 8th place the most visited websites worldwide. 68% of all YouTube users also state that Videos will help you with that, a purchase decision to fell. the Number the SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) has doubled in recent years. With 2.2 billion monthly users puts YouTube one enormous platform It quickly becomes clear how relevant YouTube and so that Marketing on YouTube is.

How to do YouTube Marketing?
It was said in advance, that not everyone can be successful on YouTube. It is important to have a successful strategy, creates very good videos and has SEO know-how, so that the created videos with Topics and Keywords be perfectly optimized, to reach the stakeholders on YouTube. There is in general Basic steps, that you can keep, so that you can with a Start YouTube marketing, concrete:
- Channel creation for the company or person
- Planning a strategy for the videos
- Create high-quality videos (resolution, playback time, etc.)
- Keyword optimization within the videos
- Promote the videos on other platforms
- Forces a CTA (call to action) towards a like or channel subscription
- Creating a good, coherent playlist
- Creation of a channel trailer and a visually professional channel page
This Points ask only the Base one good YouTube marketing. Exactly like on Google to play Campaigns and Ads a not inconsiderable role on YouTube. So as soon as that Marketing goes beyond creating an account and videos with content, will the Complex requirements for YouTube marketing. Therefore, our Team of technical, video and SEO experts to help implement holistic and professional YouTube marketing. Please contact us about this.

How Much Does YouTube Marketing Cost?
Flat-rate one can only say: It depends on what you're promoting, where you're promoting it, how you're promoting it, and when you're promoting it. YouTube itself also has a very strong advertising platform, which also about Google Ads is operated. On this platform you can Purchasing video views monetarily. Likewise, can Ads on YouTube be switched. There YouTube to the largest search engines in the world can be counted, should also the SEO Channel Optimizationg to be included in the budget and a represent a fixed component. So, it depends what you wants to advertise in what size and who represents the competition, among other things. Nevertheless, with one well-developed concept, a possibly enormous marketing budget of the competition are exceeded. We recommend to our clients therefore always, ask us in advance, to what extent YouTube marketing makes sense and can be implemented for their projects.

YouTube Marketing - yes or no? Clearly: yes, because that the potential is overwhelming even with manageable expenses. If you haven't dealt with it yet, we recommend immediately, to do that. You can tell us about this feel free to contact us at any time.